A Conversation with Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett
CBS Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett
CBS Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett was in St. Louis on Tuesday (April 18) promoting his new book The Big Truth: Upholding Democracy in the Age of the Big Lie at COCA to a spellbound audience at the Center of Creative Arts (COCA).
KMOX on-air personalities Amy Marxkors and Christ Rongey
KMOX on-air personalities Amy Marxkors and Chris Rongey facilitated the conversation with Garrett about his book, a revelatory account of the 2020 election and the heroes brave enough to get it right. The program was presented by KMOX and sponsored by COCA and Left Bank Books.
Amy Marxkors, Major Garrett, Chris Rongey, Indigo Sams, President & CEO of COCA — Photo by Suzy Gorman