Preview the Sophisticated Living End-of-the-Year Issue
The final two months of 2023 are almost upon us. Throughout the year, we at Sophisticated Living Magazine St. Louis have strived to share with you the best our city, region, and world has to offer, providing you a “window seat” as you leaf through our pages.
Our end-of-the-year issue brings more behind the scenes glimpses into the lifestyles of all that colors of our worlds and makes them glow.
See through the lens of renown photographer Michael Eastman. Feel the adrenaline of a St. Louis born race car driver as he burns rubber and lights up the sport. Practically smell and taste the delectable holiday foods of Annie Gunn’s as they jump from our pages.
As always, this issue features highlights of local society events as well as a sprinkle of the globetrotting adventures you’ve come to expect from us.
Thank you for spending 2023 with us. Go full throttle into holiday season this November and December and please enjoy all that our fair city and the world has to offer in the new year on the horizon.
Art on the Line
Isabella’s Two Chairs by Michael Eastman.
Michael Eastman has become a nationally renowned photographer. From 1972 until 2000, Eastman made his living in commercial photography (family portraits, etc.). His first piece of “real art” was hung in an informal gallery space at Washington U. in 1972. It was an egg study (the play of light and shadow around it).
Over time, like lichen over stone, Eastman’s notoriety has spread; his art is now sold across the globe and has been hung in the hallowed halls of (among others) The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Art Institute of Chicago. He is nonchalant. Or perhaps just humble. One of his photographs recently appeared in a photo spread in Veranda magazine; he didn’t even know it.
Eastman says he is proud to be a part of the St. Louis art community, which he readily describes as healthy, ever-evolving.
Speeding to Success
After the race, Spike celebrates on the podium.
Meet Spike Kohlbecker. He likes fast cars. He likes burning rubber, scorching across asphalt, and feeling the G-force jolt through his veins as he reaches speeds up to 175 mph.
He’s 20 years old, and a sophomore at Boise State University. At first glance, his dorm room looks like any other. Then you notice the jet-black race car simulator in the corner. At his young age, the Kirkwood native has competed in hundreds of auto races across the world, with hundreds of local, regional, and national wins under his belt. At 16 years old, he became the first U.S. driver to score wins in both the Canadian and U.K. Formula Ford National Series championship events.
Spike never shies away from boasting his local pride, with a “#STLMade” sticker and the logos of several St. Louis-based sponsors adorning his car and gear.
Celebration of Life
Chef Lou Rook, Liam Sehnert, Jane Sehnert, Thom Sehnert.
Annie Gunn’s and The Smoke House have remained one of the area’s great restaurants, and gourmet grocers. With a loyal team ranging from Chef Lou Rook who has been with Annie’s Gunn’s for more than 30 years, managers including Ryan Krissinger, Judy Scheer, Kelly Robbins, and Mike Veninga to back-of-house employees many of whom have worked there for 25 years or more, Annie Gunn’s and The Smoke House Market are where you want to work if you're in the culinary or hospitality business. Glenn Bardgett, who is perhaps the most knowledgeable and experienced wine expert in the Midwest, has overseen and curated the two-time James Beard National Semi Finalist wine program which has won the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence 17 consecutive years. And Thom’s sister Therese Ravens has been the catering manager for 35 years. All this translates to customer satisfaction and respect that few in the business enjoy.
A sophisticated Thanksgiving spread.