Sophisticated Giving Spotlight: St. Patrick Center

This week’s Sophisticated Giving Spotlight in on the St. Patrick Center!

Without St. Patrick Center, homelessness would grow and know no geographic borders. All neighborhoods would be affected and everyone would know someone experiencing homelessness. In a pandemic, the chances of these events happening increase greatly.

Sophisticated Details: St. Patrick Center transforms lives through sustainable housing, employment, and healthcare, following the compassion of Jesus. The Center envisions a community without homelessness - a place where everyone has safe, affordable housing.

There are three primary ways that St. Patrick Center helps people transform their lives:

  • Immediate Support: It costs an average $735 to prevent homelessness for an individual or family (with minimal needs). This could include a housing deposit, rental assistance, utility assistance, short-term hotel stay or bus ticket home.

  • Short-term Transition: It costs an average $5,800 to rapidly transition an individual or family (with medium needs) from homelessness to housing. This includes case management, behavioral health services, housing identification, rent and move-in assistance.

  • Long-term Transformation: It costs an average $10, 000 to stabilize an individual or family (with high needs) in housing. This includes case managements, permanent housing and support services.

Sophisticated Giving: When you invest people and opportunity through St. Patrick Center, you build a better place to live and work. When you help people transform their lives, you improve neighborhoods. Together, we experience more people in housing, more people working and people who are healthier both physically and mentally. To donate, visit or call (314) 802-0700.

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