Posts in Editorial Letters
From the Publisher

Sophisticated Living St. Louis publisher Craig Kaminer talks about dreaming. From his interviews with some of St. Louis’ shining luminaries and institutions alike, through the years, Craig has shown the spotlight on St. Louis dreams that have kept the Mississippi banks churning and some whose dreams have overflowed throughout the world. Read more here.

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From the Editor-In-Chief May/June 2024

Editor-in-Chief Christy Marshall tells of what is great about our city despite gloomy headlines one may see. in the national news. It’s spring. The breezes are balmy. The days are long. It’s the perfect time to climb into your car and drive down to The Grove. Stop in one of the myriad of restaurants. Spend time in The City Foundry and check out the shops nearby. Explore The Armory. Have a glass of wine and pizza at Scarlett’s Wine Bar. Lunch at Union Loafers. Catch a CITY StL game. Ride the Wheel at Union Station and glance out over our beautiful city. Read more here.

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From the Publisher

I am excited to live in a multi-ethnic, multi-national, multi-lingual, multi-religious country which defends the rights of ALL. This has never happened in the history of the world. But we are hitting speed bumps. The world isn’t left or right, blue or red, Judeo-Christian or Muslim, conservative or liberal. We all live on this continuum, yet our world is being run by extremists who benefit when we can’t agree. Political experts agree that the conditions in the U.S. are frighteningly similar to those just prior to the Civil War. With the world seemingly on fire, don’t we have bigger issues than fighting among ourselves? If you want to meet and discuss the world and our differences, please contact me. Read further for details.

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From the Editor-in-Chief

For decades, I made New Year resolutions. Spend less. Save more. Go to the gym. Lose 15 pounds. None of it ever happened. In the last few years, that list has shimmied down to one: Be kind. The older I get, the less impressed I am with anything but kindness. I’ve decided that my resolution for 2024 is to fight for the underdog, help the vulnerable, advocate for sanity—and against haters. To do the right thing. And, above all else and without exception, to be kind. Read more here.

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From the Publisher

Next time our leaders, colleagues, business associates, family members, or we lie to ourselves, call them — or ourselves — out.  Don’t brush it under the rug because he/she represents your party, business interests, or family harmony. Read here as Publisher Craig Kaminer reflects on how lies have become distressingly prevalent infiltrating the fabric of our society.

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