Sophisticated Giving Spotlight: Segs4Vets

This week’s Sophisticated Giving Spotlight is on Segs4Vets!

Sophisticated Details: Segs4Vets is an award-winning nonprofit organization that serves disabled veterans and first responders. Founded in 2005, the organization provides universally designed mobility devices and workforce development support to restore dignity and independence to those who have been disabled in service to our country. Seg4Vets’ mission is to improve the quality of life for permanently disabled veterans and first responders through the application of new technologies. They focus on the successful reintegration of veterans and first responders into their families and communities by creating customized mobility devices and technology based workforce development solutions that create a sense of purpose and independence for our nation’s heroes.

What We Do: Mobility Devices: Segs4Vets provides Segways and ALLY Chairs—seated devices specially designed for those who cannot operate the traditional Segway—to help disabled veterans and first responders rebuild a foundation of independence. We also provide ongoing support—including battery replacement, device repair and support for recipients.

Sophisticated Goals: Disabled veterans and first responders face unique physical and psychological challenges as they transition to their new lives. The ALLY Chair—only available through the Segs4Vets program—has become an irreplaceable support device for thousands of former military personnel, facilitating performance of daily activities that would not be accessible otherwise. Since 2005, the Segs4Vets program has been providing ongoing support services to chair recipients, including battery replacement, key fob programming and replacement, warranty services, use and access counseling and advocacy services, and ongoing device assessment to more than 2,000 military families. Our need to invest for the longterm service and maintenance of Segways and ALLY chairs that are currently in circulation with our recipients is a direct result of the heavy use that our devices are receiving, and the average age of our recipients. Most of our disabled veterans are in their late twenties and early thirties now, and were injured in their early twenties. We are committed to ensuring that our veterans will have the leading-edge mobility devices they need to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives.

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