Posts in Community
Cultivating Community

The final days of summer are upon us, and by the weekend the autumnal equinox brings summer to a close. The bright buds of summer will begin to fade. But one community takes full advantage of spring and summer's glorious blooms and gets the whole community involved. For nearly 40 years, Executive Director of U City in Bloom Judy Prange, with the help of neighbors, beautifies the 5.9 square miles of University City with gardens. Read how she has rallied the community to keep U City blooming.

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The Cardinals Do Care

Established in 1997, Cardinals Care has built ball fields for children in under-resourced neighborhoods, orchestrated baseball and softball programs, and provided support in healthcare, education, mentoring and cultural arts. Read more about how the outreach program makes a difference in the community.

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Delmar Maker District: A Vision Two Decades in the Making

With a vision as ever-changing as glass being blown into a new creation, the Delmar Maker District is a two-decade old project that has caught fire in recent months. St. Louis restauranteur Ben Poremba has helped stoke the flames with his plans to open five establishments in the district in 2024. Learn more about how Doug Auer and Jim McKelvey, co-founded Third Degree Glass Factory and the Delmar Maker District.

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Jubilant Juneteenth Jumps with Joy in Delmar Loop Prior to the Federal Holiday

In preparation for the federal holiday on Wednesday, June 19th, people from near and far will be jumping for joy to commemorate the ending of slavery in the United States. The pre-celebration takes place on Saturday, June 16th in the Delmar Loop in University City in St. Louis. Learn about the roots of Juneteenth and why it is now celebrated throughout the land as a federal holiday since 2021.

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“Queer Writes” on June 27 Brings A Kaleidoscopic Slice of the St. Louis LGBTQ+ Universe to the Missouri History Museum 

Amidst all the parties and parades that will occur in June, one champion of the queer community, Joan Lipkin, has curated participants for the “Queer Writes Showcase of LGBTQ+ Writers” on June 27th to culminate Pride Month. For the sophomore season of Queer Writes, the Missouri History Museum is bringing back this event which will feature a new diverse lineup of St. Louis-based or connected  LGBTQ+ writers sharing excerpts of their work in various genres. Learn more here.

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Housing The Unhoused

The homeless are everywhere. But St. Louis is not Los Angeles or Portland, Oregon. In L.A. there are more than 75,000 and in Portland 6,000-plus. Our homeless population hovers around 1,600. It’s still a problem. Fortunately, a number of St. Louisans have stepped up to the plate to try to solve it. Learn more about the initiatives that are taking place here to address this ongoing epidemic in St. Louis and metropolitan areas throughout America.

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Major Player in St. Louis' Downtown Revitalization-21c-Named Official Hotel Partner with Major Player-Stl CITY SC

Two integral parts in the continuing St. Louis’ downtown renaissance have announced a partnership — 21c Museum Hotel and St. Louis CITY SC.  The two major players have announced that the hotel has been named the official hotel partner for the current season of the famed soccer franchise.  Since both entities burst onto the scene, they have been a magnet for the City of St. Louis — the sprawling  2.5-million peopled metropolis, and the expansive region. Read more here.

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Things to Know About Passover and How St. Louis is Observing It This Year

While many Jews are well educated about Passover, many Christians know only what they were taught in grammar school, Sunday school, in church, or by watching the Cecil B. DeMille epic, “The Ten Commandments.” And while the 10th and final plague visited upon Egypt was the among the most remembered parts of the film, it does not tell the whole story. Read here about what this writer learned to school himself about the most important of Jewish holidays.

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Get Outside 

St. Louis was lucky to have its two largest parks founded during the Victorian era, Tower Grove Park in 1868 and Forest Park in 1876. Both have grand sweeping thoroughfares and easy to navigate footpaths. At more than 1,300 acres, Forest Park is the largest park in the United States, and though considerably smaller than Forest Park at just 289 acres, Tower Grove Park is today a National Historic Landmark. The future is now at both St. Louis bastions of nature nestled in the heart of the city. Read on to learn about things you may know and what’s on the horizon.

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Raise a glass, a fork, a spoon or an ice cream cone March 27 to benefit Circus Harmony

“Did you know that calories do not count if consumed when helping someone else?!” states Circus Harmony’s artistic/executive director and founder, Jessica Hentoff, as they prepare for two delicious fundraisers in March and April. Mark your calendars now to raise a glass, a fork, a spoon, or an ice cream cone to support the flying children of Circus Harmony on March 27! Learn more about the event here.

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CommunityGrayling Holmes
St. Paddy's Day Season Began with the Irish Party to Benefit St. Patrick Center

Just a week remains until St. Patrick’s Day, the day where EVERYONE’S a little bit Irish. From the 55th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, held in downtown St. Louis this year on Saturday, March 16th, to the much-heralded, Annual Ancient Order of Hibernians Parade and celebration held in Dogtown on St. Patrick’s Day itself, Sunday, March 17th, the city will be billowing in all things green. To kick off the season, St. Patrick Center St. Louis held their annual Irish Party.

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45th STL Jewish Book Festival Held This November

This November, the 45th STL Jewish Book Festival will be held. Especially during this time of grief and turmoil in Israel and when antisemitism is rampant throughout the world, it is a good time for Jews and non-Jews alike to come together in solidarity and mutual understanding. What better way to do that than through the written word and spoken analysis of those cogent words? Read here about the more than 25 authors and their works to be presented November 5-19, 2023.

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Growing Up Without a Silver Spoon

Foye Oluokun plays linebacker for the Jacksonville Jaguars; he recently signed a new contract for $45 million for the next three years. Read on to learn how this first-generation American earned his impressive stature in the competitive landscape of sports . Simply put, his parents instilled in him these core values — education comes first, then hard work, take nothing for granted, and stay humble.

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